
Rebecca Eldridge (Archive page)

Save Recordings to Your Computer

Although the recordings above are available to you to play on your mobile device, there may be very rare circumstances when your location may not be within a mobile service area.  If you know that may be happening during your mindfulness course, you can follow the directions below to save the audio recordings to your computer for later listening and practice.

Please do not download the MP3s directly to your phone because it often doesn’t work. For successful MP3 transfers, download to a desktop or laptop first and from there to a mobile device.

  • First, right-click (“control”-click for Mac users) directly on the link below for the recording you wish to save:

    Body Scan
    Lying Down Yoga
    Standing Yoga
    Sitting Meditation
    Chair Yoga

  • Next, choose Save As (or similarly worded text) from the pop-up menu. (With the Safari web browser the file may be identified as a video. In that case choose Download Video.)

  • Finally, save the file to your computer.

Additional Supports MP3 Downloading

For help transferring MP3 files from your computer to your iPod/IPhone/iPad, using iTunes, consult the Apple website.

For help transferring MP3 files from your computer to your Android phone using Google Play, consult the Google website.